Anastasia had a lovely birthday picnic in the Ferndell picnic area of Griffith Park last weekend. Her and Jenn made an awesome spread of sandwich fixin's and snacks that ran along a series of four tables. They scored a great little semi-circle, enclosed area that was very shady and right next to the little fern lined walking trail. Beth and I went together and brought Snoops and Athena. They were very good and were able to be off leash the whole time. Beth took them for a run up the hill and we went walking along the little trail. Anastasia was an excellent host, as always, and one of the highlights was when Jenn "surprised" her with a big, chocolate, birthday cake. Being in the park reminded me there are cool places in LA that aren't overcrowded with people and traffic - and we didn't even have to pay for parking!
I finally got my exam scores back from six weeks ago...I got a 94 on both the written and the practical exam. That is good enough to go on to do the coursework to become an instructor trainer without having to take the exam again - yippee! That would mean, aside from regular pilates training, I could teach the certification courses as well. Now I just have to work a few years to save up money to go to Canada for the next level of coursework - Canada, argh! Anyway, I'm pleased. Here I am with the cast of High School Musical:
Although Kelly and I were married in December 06, we did not go on our honeymoon until July 07. It was around this time last year that we were returning from our trip and we are wishing we were back in Kauai again. In spite of being happy about our recent job changes/promotions, transitioning has been difficult (different schedules, new people to get to know, less hours for me so far, more hours for Kelly). It will all feel normal in a few weeks but, for now, I'm going to keep dreaming of Hawaii and wishing we were far away with no worries or people to please other than each other.
Check out my new fancy jacket I got from Lululemon with the gift certificate Stacey gave me before she moved away. I think my very professional, sleak new jacket helped me land my new jobs. Thanks, Stacey! By the way, if you are a workout person and you have not yet gone to Lululemon you must find one in your area and go. Even Kelly has gotten four new pairs of shorts from there - which he wears when he comes to my mat class - I'm so proud of him for keeping in shape and doing pilates!
Went out last weekend for Hawk's 28th birthday - he's old now, too - almost thirty! We went to the Cheesecake Factory and saw the new Angelina Jolie/James Macavoy movie, Wanted. It was very entertaining. We were running late so we didn't get to have dessert (very disappointing). Next time I want to have the carrot cake cheesecake or maybe the apple crumble cheesecake or maybe the tres leches cheesecake...argh! How does one decide?
A place to share the sometimes mundane, sometimes exciting details of my daily life with friends and family who are often far away. Smiles and hugs to you all!