A few weeks ago I went to NYC just for fun. The trip was very short - I left LA Friday morning at 6:30 am and returned Monday at 11 pm. The only thing I had planned in advance was who I would see and when. The where and what we would do developed as we went along. It felt really good to be free of responsibility and without big expectations. My godmother, Judd, and my good friend, Michael, made sure I always felt safe and taken care of. I got to see so many great friends - some of who I haven't seen in years. Let the journey begin:
Judd in the park on Staten Island - check out those awesome above the knee, purple suede boots!

Judd's daughter, Mimi, at the Tottenville train station - so glad I got to see Mimi again! Last time I saw her she was 10 now she's 16.

At the train station with me newly adorned work jacket - Judd covered the old Breakthru Fitness insignia with antique, mother of pearl buttons

Tomme met me in Chelsea - we drank sangria with lunch

Michael met up with us and had a margarita - we realized after ordering maybe a pitcher for all would have been a more cost effective choice

Michael and Tommy in the East Village - I told them to stretch and this is what they did

the dress I wish I would have bought - tried it on and got encouragement from the boys but opted out because of the $178 price tag

Michael, ironically, had a gift certificate to a vintage glasses store - little did he know I have become a glasses collector - I bought new frames, he did not

I highly recommend Fabulous Fannie's if you are in NYC and looking for vintage frames

East Village

the best ear muffs ever at the coolest punk rock/vintage store ever, Search and Destroy

That's right, I bought those panda ear muffs. Then I wore them in a dive bar while drinking a Maker's and Diet Coke.

Michael didn't have fun ear muffs and bourbon, just beer - note the less happy expression

Michael at Milon - this Indian restaurant wins the award for coolest lighting ever - every inch of the cieling was covered with dangling Christmas lights

Deepti met us for dinner - she described the plan for her sister's wedding that will happen in India next summer - Michael and I dreamed of going to experience an authentic Indian wedding

Michael lied and said it was my birthday - they strobed the lights and played an awesome birthday song - this was supposed to be a video but I haven't figured out how to make it work

the lights hang low enough that Michael's head was engulfed by them when he stood up

one white rose

Kevin and Chris met up with us at the Sly Fox - Kevin works at the MoMA and had some great stories about past exhibitions - Chris and his wife will be having baby soon!

Cole, Michael and I in the men's restroom - yes, Michael wrote on the mirror

Yes, Michael wrote on the wall

Michael and Cole waiting for the train back to Brooklyn

painting on the wall outside the Wimpee's apartment left there from Marfa Lights

loading the truck full of flats

Cole and Casey's apartment in Brooklyn

the yard where they do performances and have bon fires

unloading the truck at the storage space in Harlem

Harlem condos

the Texas burger - after very little sleep and lots of manual labor

the California Salad - after very little sleep and lots of sitting and watching boys do manual labor


the Standard NY on the High Line - a sort of park/walkway that was built along an overgrown, abandoned rail line

lots of futuristic, blue lighting on the High Line

interesting window display in a super fancy store

chips and margaritas for dinner

main door to a hipster loft apartment building in Bushwick

the street in Bushwick - not many people around - just the occasional guy on a skateboard or girl with a big backpack and high heeled boots

the loft we went in was an unusual catacomb of boxlike rooms - nine people lived in one left - each one had there own box

Ishaq came out to meet us in Brooklyn

this is our expression right after Michael almost fell over backwards from leaning too far back to get a wider shot

Casey and Michael "smiling" - awkward

Michael's apartment in Brooklyn - thanks for letting me stay, Michael!

Judd's dogs - Lulu and Bucky - they go everywhere together, side by side - too cute

Judd outside her house - thanks for letting me stay, Judd!

The return trip literally took me from 9:30 am until 12:30 am that Monday. I began by leaving with Michael and taking the train from Brooklyn into Manhatten. Michael helped me figure out which train to take to get to Battery Park. Then I took the Staten Island Ferry from Battery Park to Staten Island where I got on the train and rode it all the way to the last stop, Tottenville. I then walked a few blocks to Judd's house where I had a few hours to lay down. Judd came home from work and soon after we drove to the airport where I waited 3.5 hours then flew from Newark to LAX. Upon arriving, I found the Super shuttle, waited for the one to my neighborhood and finally rode home. It was a long day but definitely worth it for the great time I had that weekend visiting with all my fabulous friends and family.