Saturday, December 1, 2007

Friends Forever

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we did have one guest. Her name is Athena. She is a dwarf jack russell terrier. Her family, Beth and Steve, went to visit Steve's family for the holiday weekend so she got to stay with us. Whenever we go out of town Beth and Steve watch Snoops. Snoops and Athena have become friends and Athena has become like part of our family.


kimberly said...

stumpy-legged dogs only.

Mak said...

Those pictures are SOOOOOOO adorable!!! You are a really good photographer!

PS this is beth

Unknown said...

awwwww.....they are both so cute individually but together it's maximum cuteness fer sure.

unknownstarlet said...

Does this dog walking represent exercise on Thanksgiving? I burned calories standing in the kitchen, curling my right bicep with a wine glass. Very cute pics--Michelle

bcg said...

oooohhhh! new photos! its always a pleasure to read new posts in your blog :)