Friday I went to visit with Beth and her friends from Filthy Rogue theatre company. They were making a curtain for their upcoming fundraiser "Filthy's Follies". It's a variety show with a framework that is a parody of Spanky's Follies from our gang. Snoops and I just hung out and watched them cut and sew and glue. To represent a clothesline, they made cut-outs in the shape of mini clothes. The little faux shorts and dresses reminded me of something that happened when Kimmy came to visit in July. Francesca Lia Block, an author of young adult fantasy fiction, was having a workshop and Kimmy had been planning to go. Aside from bringing a few specified writing samples to discuss, the author requested that workshop participants bring something to leave on the fairy alter. That's right, the fairy alter. I had never heard of such a thing but luckily in Silverlake we have a store called The Magic Cauldron. Kiimmy and I made our way to the Cauldron to get schooled on fairy alters and hopefully purchase something inexpensive yet still impressively appropriate. As one might guess there were many fun things to choose from. The woman behind the counter seemed uninterested when we first walked in but once I asked about getting something for a "fairy alter" she lit up. She showed us candles, incense, strange herbs, charms, and figurines of dragons, fairies, and magicians. There were also bags of mini cut-out clothing shapes, tiny doors and wheelbarrows and other implements someone deemed useful to a fairy. After much deliberation Kimmy decided to go with a candle and a mini-ladder. The nice lady suggested that we paint the ladder and decorate it with feathers and beads. We didn't manage to decorate it but we were still quite pleased with our purchase. Kimmy took her treasures to the workshop and placed them on the alter. They all said a fairy prayer and that was it for the alter. It was a bit disappointing that Francesca Lia Block did not point out any particularly special gifts but, oh well, it made for a fun reason to go to the Magic Cauldron. If you need any money mist, chocolate bat simmer oil, or a copy of New Witch Magazine you should check it out (
And now back to the Little Rascals:
Saturday I met my friends Stacey and Bill at Kokekkoko, a yakitori house in Little Tokyo. Regardless of the fact that the service is crummy (it took twenty minutes before I managed to get my waiters attention to get a glass of water) this particular place is always packed. The menu is limited to skewers of all things chicken, including chicken breast, hearts, liver, skin, and vegetable wrapped chicken among other things. Not a good place to take your vegetarian friends. We sat at the end of the three-sided bar surrounding the grill where a chef and his helpers constantly rotated various skewers of meat/parts and then dropped them off on your plate. You can order by the skewer as Stacey and I did - I got one chicken breast (had to scrape off the wasabi), one chicken hearts, one chicken wrapped okra, and one quail eggs - or you can order the whole shebang, one of each thing on the menu, which is what Bill did. We had a good time chatting away and occasionally eating a few bites of chicken on a stick. The whole experience took about two hours. Probably a bit longer than necessary because the hard wooden stools made for a good ache in the backside after awhile. By the end, I was standing leaning against the wall, avoiding sitting back down until the check arrived.

As we were leaving, I noticed Kelly had called which was unexpected since he usually is busy at work on Saturday night around that time. It turned out he wasn't feeling well and went home to rest awhile before possibly having to go back to work if it got busy. Bill, Stacey, and I went to Pinkberry as planned and I got a medium original flavor frozen yogurt with double mochi and strawberries to go for Kelly. Then I went home and Kelly and I hung out for the rest of the night. He slept awhile and I walked Snoops. We watched some tv - Discovery Channel documentary about being overly tall - and Wonder Showzen on dvd and went to Astro Diner for breakfast type food around midnightish.

Sunday Snoops and I did the laundry and walked around the neighborhood. We got home in time to wake Kelly up and visit for a minute before I went to Irish dance class. Class was fun and challenging as usual. I am feeling more confident about dancing in my hard-shoes. It's so different than any dance I have done before but I am glad to be expanding my repertoire. When I got home, Kelly and Wes were improvising and recording some music. Kelly is really starting to figure out his musical style and make some great songs. Once they finished up, we went to the Cheesecake Factory (I did not get cheesecake even though I wanted to) and saw Traitor with Don Cheadle and Guy Pearce. I wasn't sure if I felt like seeing an international espionage thriller but I was pleasantly surprised. It was suspenseful and entertaining and insightful. It is definitely one I recommend. (

Monday Kelly and I went to the gym together. Because it was Labor Day they closed at 5 pm so we got there around 3 and stayed until they closed. I loved the early closing time because it meant we got out of the house before 5 pm and still had time to take Snoops to the park. After grabbing a bite to eat at The Alcove (I did not have cake even though I wanted to), we went home and picked up Snoops. Originally I had hoped to show Kelly Arroyo Seco in Pasadena but we didn't have enough daylight left. Instead we went to Elysian Park near Dodger's Stadium where I often go with Snoops and our friends Susan, Mindy, Macarthur, and Basil. We went the short route to the dog hill and sat on a tree trunk while Snoops dug for gophers. He likes to sniff. While we were admiring the view of downtown LA, Mindy and Susan and the gang showed up. It was great to get to visit with them for a few minutes. We all walked out of the park together and made our way home. The rest of the night we just took it easy at home.

What a great couple of days! Visiting with friends and so much great time with Kelly and Snoops. Now I can't wait for our week in Big Sur...
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