Day five we headed over to the National Tropical Botanical Gardens. It was only about 15 minutes from our hotel and it was nice to not have to drive too far before being at our destination. They have two large gardens to choose from. In order to see Allerton Garden you must sign up for a 2 1/2 hour guided tour. We decided to go with McBryde Garden because it is self-guided and you can choose whether you wan to stay for an hour or more. After buying our tickets, we headed over to the shrimp truck and split a plate of shrimp scampi for breakfast. We got back to the garden and waited for the bus the takes you onto the grounds. It turned out we had missed the McBryde bus and waited for the Allerton bus for almost 30 minutes - that sucked. We decided we would just wait for the next bus since we had already been there so long. It was definitely worth the wait. We had a great time strolling around. It rained lightly most of the time but never got unbearable.
After that we went to see if we could get a look inside Kauai's Hindu Temple but it was closed to the public by the time we got there. Along the way, we stopped to visit an ancient Hawaiian temple as well as a birthing stone and a space where they used to perform human sacrifices. We also discovered a hidden Japanese cemetery on a hill top near the birthing stone.
For dinner, we ate at the Bull Shed where steak and potato is the specialty. Back at the hotel we sat in the hot ub for awhile and then we were done for the night.
outside the ticket center and gift shop at National Tropical Botanical Gardens

McBryde Garden

creepy bush hand

view from the road near the Hindu Temple

human sacrifice place

hidden cemetery

mai tai at the Bull Shed
Gardens, mai tai's and just a little human sacrifice.
I just now got to see the Hawaii pictures. Would love to go there!
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