I recently returned from a week long intensive entitled Embodiment in Education: Professional Development for Dance/Movement Educators with Susan Bauer (movingoncenter.org/SomEd.htm). We explored using somatics as a resource for deepening understanding of human anatomy and developing physical awareness through movement and touch. It was an extra special treat because I got to share this time with Pat. It has been at least four years now since we got to spend a good amount of time together and it was great to catch up. Also, I was happily surprised by how well the group of participants fit together. Everyone came from varied backgrounds with an impressive list of experiences and education. The facilitator, Susan, did a great job of sharing her knowledge while still leaving room for everyone to learn from each other. I am very thankful that I went.
Pat and I on the first day:

processing time:

Carol and Qilo:

Kim and Pat being silly with Mr. Bones:

Susan in teacher mode:

Pat and Effie - Supermodels!:

Kim and I randomly wearing matching outfits (it happened the next day, too):

Lunchtime naptime:

Pat, Carol, and Petra lounging:

All of us together on the last day:
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